Rebrand 101

Episode 1 January 12, 2024 00:23:30
Rebrand 101
Imperfect Mom's Guide
Rebrand 101

Jan 12 2024 | 00:23:30


Show Notes

Happy New Year Mama's! It is 2024 and we are so excited to introduce the rebranding on Imperfect Mom's Guide. 

For the first episode of the rebrand and the year, you are stuck listening to Cindy ramble for 30 minutes. I am sorry. 

Cindy talks about what the rebrand looks like, who she is, and what her goals for 2024 look like. She is so happy to have you along for the ride where some new adventures take her. 

She ends the episode with a question... Would you kill for your kids?


As always we want to hear from you on the Imperfect Mom’s Guide FB Group

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:17] Hey, love. Long time no talk. My name is Cindy, and I am the host of Imperfect mom's guide. If you're a returning listener, we are so thankful for you. As you know, this podcast is a work in progress, but we couldn't keep going without your support. So I do want to let you know how much I just incredibly appreciate you during this rebrand and during the last year and a half that I have been podcasting for the new mamas. Hey, girl. Hey. This podcast is the melting pot for the moms who are surviving and probably not thriving. We share lots of laughs and opinions. We also share the good, bad, and ugly of motherhood. And we're so glad to have you here. [00:01:08] Unfortunately, to start the new year, you're kind of just stuck with me on this first episode, there were some scheduling issues with Alicia, mostly on my part because I waited till the last minute. And the weather here is ridiculous. The amount of snow that we have gotten, probably not as much as other places, but, like, a little bit ridiculous. Granted, I love snow. I don't like when it melts and turns into ice, which it did. And we're getting another snowstorm tonight. Yes, I'm recording this Thursday night because, again, there's something wrong with me. [00:01:51] So you're stuck with me. Next week, Alicia will be back, hopefully, if the weather is good and we can get our shit straightened out, because we're just kind of all over the place and the kids haven't been in school, so it is just freaking hectic around here. [00:02:11] To start, I'm just going to go into, like, a little get to know me. As you know, the podcast is rebranding. All of our old episodes are going to be gone, so we're just going to start fresh and brand new. And if you already know about me, just feel free to skip the next 10 minutes because it's going to be the same boring shit you already know. [00:02:34] My name is Cindy. As I have already stated, I am a mother to three beautiful girls who also just know exactly how to push my buttons. [00:02:49] Two biological, one bonus. That is a whole nother thing that I will get into a different day about being a bonus parent and all the stuff that we have had to go through. [00:03:02] I have a wonderful fiance. We are getting married in September. We have been together for almost seven years. Probably really close to seven years, actually. [00:03:20] I couldn't tell you how appreciative I am for the life that I have. I am truly blessed. I own a house. [00:03:32] I have four cats and three dogs. [00:03:37] We own a house. And five acres, all kinds of stuff. I have an amazing job. I work part time for a rehab facility. I absolutely love it. And then in the other part of my time, I clean houses so genuinely, I have the best set up known to man in my eyes. [00:04:03] I have the thing that works perfect for me. [00:04:08] I like to read. I really like to read. [00:04:15] When it comes to reading, I like to read the little spicy books, if you know what I mean. [00:04:24] I like to take anybody, if you ask any of my friends, like, what is Cindy's hobby? It's probably going to be taking a nap. I do like to nap. I get a lot of shit for it. [00:04:36] Oh, well, I go to workout class and I absolutely love it. [00:04:44] And that's pretty much all there is to know about me. I am a mom just trying to live. I wake up every day and pray that I was better than I was yesterday. I am a mom who yells and I've been trying to work on that. My kids are little assholes, though, so it's a work in progress, especially with school being out. [00:05:09] School has been out from right before Christmas. So I think it was like December 20 or some crazy thing like that. [00:05:23] They probably won't go back to school till next Tuesday. Today is the 11th, and let me tell you, this mom is about to lose her shit. My kids do not know how to listen. And when they do listen, it's for like 5 seconds. They're fighting. They're screaming like, I wish there wasn't snow on the ground so I could send their little butts outside. [00:05:46] However, making it through one day at a time. I am not your typical mom. As in. [00:06:00] I wouldn't even say typical, but I'm not a drinker. I don't like to drink. [00:06:07] It stems from I have alcoholic parents. I don't want to do that. [00:06:14] I do dabble a little bit in some edibles. Not very much, though, because guess what? Guess what's great. I get anxiety attacks. So much fun. [00:06:26] So that's pretty much all there is to really know about me. [00:06:30] Again, I'm kind of boring, honestly. And I'm just trying to live and survive in this thing called motherhood. That's really tested me, I guess I should say. I am 24 years old. [00:06:50] It's weird because I definitely feel like I'm 34. Like I should be 34. [00:06:59] I have had a lot of life experience and a lot of things that happened in my life that I had to grow. So you'll probably forget that I'm 24, too. [00:07:10] All right, let's go ahead. And just jump onto a different topic because I am really fucking boring. [00:07:20] I honestly hate recording by myself because I don't have somebody to bounce things off of. So this is not how the normal podcast episodes will go. It will be so much more fun, so much more lively. [00:07:40] But I had to get something out to you guys because I know that you miss me, and I genuinely miss you. So let's get on to the next thing. [00:07:48] It is January 11, 2024, and it's kind of time to talk about some new year's resolutions. [00:07:58] I am doing something different this year when it comes to resolutions, and I don't know if they're necessarily resolutions. It is just things that I want to fucking get done this year in 2024. It's things that I'm working hard towards. They're just my goals. I wouldn't say necessarily resolutions, because any other time that I've made a resolution February 1, I'm like, all right, I'm not doing this shit no more. This is shit that I'm actually doing. So I would love to hear your New Year's resolutions or your goals for 2024. So if you are not already in our imperfect mom's guide official group on Facebook, get your ass over there, get in there, and tell me what your goals are for 2024, because I'm going to tell you what mine are right now. [00:08:47] I am going to start three new podcasts. [00:08:51] I'm doing that shit. [00:08:53] That is so crazy. [00:08:56] One of my goals was to rebrand Imperfect mom's guide. I've got that done. I'm done. Granted, it takes more than just, like, the things that I've done, but I am actively working towards that. [00:09:13] That pretty much. I can check that shit off my list already. However, I am starting three new podcasts. I am starting a podcast called all things alleged. It is a gossip, pop culture, news, events, that type of stuff. [00:09:36] And so you'll have to check that one out. [00:09:39] Granted, these will not come out for the next month or two. They're still work in progress. I want to make sure that I have enough things up. And it takes a lot of work to get a podcast going. So behind the scenes, a lot of shit's getting done with that. The next one is called surviving each other. That is a true crime podcast. I am doing that podcast with Daniel. We will talk all true crime, whether, know, murders, attempted murders. [00:10:13] Just crazy things in the world right now. We're going to talk about all of those. So I'm super excited to talk with you guys about those. And then the last one is going to be called turn on the lights, and it is more of like a paranormal, kind of spooky, like, ghost story type thing. I'm so freaking excited. And that one will be just with me. The all things alleged will be with my friend Brooke. So I'm so excited, and I cannot wait for you guys to hear those on another deal. It kind of stems off of the three new podcasts that I'm starting. I'm starting a media company, so all of my podcasts will be on my own media company. And hopefully we can get some more podcasters. If I have any mamas listening or anybody listening who would want to start a podcast and join our media, we would love to have you. So just hit me up on that. And so that is also a work in progress. I'm super fucking excited about it. Those are, like, my dead set. That is shit that I'm getting done, and I'm so freaking excited. [00:11:34] The next goal that I have for 2024 is being a better homemaker. I grew up not knowing how to be a homemaker. It's not that my mom wasn't a good one, necessarily. It's just that I don't even know that she knew how. [00:11:58] So I've really been working hard at looking at different things in my life that I can change so I do better. Whenever everything is clean, my brain, if I'm not seeing clutter, then it's good. [00:12:20] I'm trying to think of how to describe it. Whenever my house is cluttered, my brain is cluttered. So whenever my house is clean, I just feel better. I'm not as cranky. I'm not a complete fucking bitch. Which, let me be honest, my poor kids this past week, they have not liked me because I have been straight up bitchy. [00:12:44] But also, them kids know exactly what buttons to push on mom. [00:12:51] Anyways, so I started last week with doing my laundry. And a lot of people don't think that that's, like, crazy. [00:13:02] Oh, my gosh, you did your laundry. Good for you. [00:13:06] If I told you that I had laundry piled up all over my house, in my bedroom, in my office, in my kids'room, in my bathroom, people who've been to my house have seen my laundry, and so they know that it's really good for me to do my fucking laundry. That has been a goal that I have had for probably, like, six months to actually get my laundry done. And here I am starting the new year when I say all of my clothes are washed, dried, folded, and put away. So I am just hoping that I can get myself on a schedule to keep that going. [00:13:53] There is something that is super crazy about me, and I hope I'm not the only one, honestly, that does this, but I feel like laundry kind of paralyzes me where it's just never ending. You can get all of the laundry done and then you still have laundry. So it's just kind of like a paralyzing deal. [00:14:14] And then once I'm paralyzed by it, I don't keep up with it. So as it already feels like it's debilitating, and then it just keeps adding up and adding up and adding up. And instead of just washing fucking clothes, I just go and buy new ones. If I need something to wear, I'll just go buy something new. That's awful. So this year, I have gotten rid of so many clothes that we didn't need because we have a lot. When I tell you I did upwards of probably 50 loads of laundry, I'm not shitting you. It is ridiculous the amount of clothes that we all have, plus blankets and towels and pillows, so much shit. [00:14:57] I am on the home stretch of getting it all done. I have maybe three more loads of blankets, and I am caught up until, obviously, tomorrow when we wear clothes. But it just feels so good. And not only am I going to keep my house better, we've been doing very good about the dishes, very good about just keeping up, keeping our house kind of tidy, just working on the stuff. I'm going to work on getting rid of all of our clutter, because if it doesn't have a fucking place, then it needs to go. I am working on being the most minimal that I can this year. [00:15:31] And then when it comes to a little bit more of homemaking, I want to make my own bread. I want to make my own cinnamon rolls. I want to can. I'm going to have a garden. [00:15:41] I want to learn how to sew. I want to learn how to knit. I want to do all of these things because that's what I want. And I want to be able to teach my girls that, too. [00:15:52] I want to live a life that makes me happy. [00:15:58] And I always thought growing up and even being an adult, the hustle and bustle of being like, a working woman. And granted, it's great. I do love it. I do love going to work. But I always thought that that made me more of a woman than being, like, a homemaker. [00:16:27] And as I get older, I realize all I want is a simple life. I want something simple. I want something that I like. Something that warms my soul. And I'm very lucky to have two amazing jobs that do that, but also giving me the time to be home with my kids, to do the things that I want to do. So I'm going to take advantage of that this year, and I'm going to do the shit that I like to do. I'm going to learn how to do all of these things that I didn't know that I never got taught that my grandparents did that, my great grandparents did. I want to be able to live a life that's sustainable. [00:17:09] So that's what I'm going to work on this year. I'm so fucking excited. I'm also going to. [00:17:16] This is just, like something that I've been thinking about, because I need to start going to workout class more often, because I feel like I go, like, one week, and then I'm off for, like, four weeks and I go one week. [00:17:32] But also, the weather is crazy right now, and I need to stop making excuses for it. Like, if I wanted to, I would. And that is 1000% for sure. I was not going to go yesterday because I'm too scared to leave my driveway. [00:17:49] Whole nother deal. [00:17:52] All right? And then our last thing is, God dang, I'm only 17 minutes into this. [00:18:01] I feel like I should be, like, 40 minutes in, I swear. [00:18:07] So this is probably going to be a short episode. All of our episodes will tend to be about 45 minutes to an hour. [00:18:15] Whenever Alicia is on here, there's just a lot more things and a lot of things that can bounce back and forth. But I kind of want you guys to get the sense of feeling of what this podcast is all about. This is for moms to feel just so relatable and have a place to where they feel safe and that they can come to talk about things that bother them or you're not alone in this crazy motherhood journey. Let me tell you, the shit is wild. And the more that you hear from us, the more that you'll understand. Like, damn, these girls get it because we fucking do. [00:18:52] So the last thing that I kind of want to talk about is I keep seeing this shit all over the Internet. And, I don't know, I probably started seeing it about six months ago, and then it just keeps showing up, and I just keep fucking seeing it over and over again. I don't see it for a while, and then I'll see it again. So there is this group of moms who would ask, would you kill for your kids? And there were so many of them that were like, no, let me tell you something. [00:19:29] And maybe it's just me, but I know the moms who listen to this. I doubt it's just me. [00:19:36] I would straight up kill for my kids. [00:19:45] And you know what? I would straight up kill for your kids. And for anybody's kids. For all kids. I would straight up kill for those kids. Four kids, 1000%. [00:20:00] I don't know what is wrong with these moms out there who said, I don't know if I would get absolutely. If it came to somebody else or my kids. [00:20:12] I'd kill if it came to something happening to my children. [00:20:17] Guess what? You're going to catch me in a fucking orange jumpsuit. That's what the fuck is going to happen. There is no question in my mind. If somebody were to ask me that, it would be 1000% yes and for all kids. Doesn't even have to be mine. Any kids would kill absolutely. [00:20:35] It baffles me that there are moms out there who would even question that. [00:20:42] I didn't even have to carry these kids for nine months to be like, absolutely no question in my fucking mind. And that is how it should be for everyone. I feel like maybe I'm just crazy. I don't know. I know that there are a few moms out there who are listening right now that be like, absolutely. I'd kill for any fucking kid. [00:21:05] It baffles me. [00:21:08] How could you? Like, maybe not for other kids. Okay, whatever. [00:21:17] That's your prerogative. Whatever. For me, any kid. But how you wouldn't kill for your own kids? [00:21:26] Like, 20 years to life as long as my baby is safe? Yeah, absolutely. [00:21:34] Now, if you ask me, would I turn my kid in if they murdered somebody? [00:21:44] That'd be probably a little bit more tricky. [00:21:48] I don't know. Depends on the circumstances, I guess. [00:21:53] Definitely depends on the circumstances. [00:21:58] We're not going to get into that anyways. So that is pretty much all that I have. I'm going to leave you guys with that. This is a 20 fucking minute episode. This is kind of sad, but this is just kind of a glimpse to what is to come. [00:22:16] Next episode will be a lot more fun. [00:22:20] It will have a lot more entertaining things in it. [00:22:28] We will touch a little bit more on the stepparentine and holidays. Even though the holidays are over, I feel like it's nice to go over that type of stuff going into the new year. [00:22:43] Obviously you guys know my goals, but we're going to talk to Alicia about hers and we'll just kind of get into that so thank you so much for joining the first episode of the rebranded Imperfect mom's guide. Episodes will be so much more fun once Alicia's back next week. I hope you have an amazing weekend. And next week. Until next time, mamas. Bye.

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